In 4 weeks Kath and I will be in the Jeep and headed west chasing the sun.
As per 3 years ago when we went to Cape York, this will be another iconic Australian journey, that many Australian’s will never do, to see places and scenery that are beyond wonder.
We’ll sadly miss some of the crew from the Cape York trip, but have gained some new travellers so this trip will consist of 4 to 5 vehicles and 8 or 9 adventurers.
Our journey will see us visit 4 states and territories in just over 3 weeks. We’ll visit 2 of the 4 tri-state borders of Australia, namely Cameron Corner and Poeppel Corner, and will cross the Simpson Desert, one of the most remote places in the world.
We’ll also be travelling on some iconic Australian roads such as the Stzelecki Track and the Oodnadatta Track, along with visiting Lake Eyre which will hopefully have water in it due to recent unseasonal rain in the region.
Hopefully the rain doesn’t affect our plans however if that does occur we’ll just have to work it out. It’s all a part of the adventure!
Can’t wait!!!